On the algebraic properties of convex bodies and related algebraic systems


  • Svetoslav Markov


convex bodies, quasilinear systems


The algebraic system of convex bodies with addition and multiplication by scalar is studied. A new operation for convex bodies, called inner addition, is introduced. New distributivity relations for xonvex bodies, called resp. quasidistributive and $q$-distributive law, are formulated and proved. The convex bodies form a quasilinear system with respect to addition and multiplication by scalar. The latter is isomorphically embedded in a $q$-linear system, which is an abelian group with respect to addition and obeys the $q$-distributive law. A result of H. Rådström for convex bodies is generalized.




How to Cite

Markov, S. (1999). On the algebraic properties of convex bodies and related algebraic systems. Ann. Sofia Univ. Fac. Math. And Inf., 91, 41–59. Retrieved from https://admin.uni-sofia.bg/index.php/fmi/article/view/268