$\\ \S 1$ Let $G=(V,E)$ be a graph, $|V|=n,|E|=e,T$ is set of triangles in $G,|T|=t$, and $q$ is the number of tetrahedrons in $G$. For a vertex $v$ we denote by $A(v)$ the set of its neighbours, so that $d(v)=|A(v)|$ is the degree of $v$. Put $t[u, v] = |A(u) \cap A(v)|, t[u,v] = |V/A(u) \cup A(v))| , \overline{t}=\sum_{[u,v] \in E} \overline{t}[u,v]$ Put also $q[u, v, w] = |A(u) \cap A(v) \cap A(w)|$, $\overline{q}[u, v, w]= |V/ A(u) \cup A(v) \cup A(w)| $, $\overline{q}=\sum \overline{q}[u, v, w], \hat{t}=max \{ t[u,v]|[u,v] \in E \}$ Theorem1. For any graph $G$ we have the inequality (15) $(3t+\overline{t}) \hat{t} \geq nt$ and the equality holds iff $q = \overline{q} = 0$ and $t[u,v]$ is the same for all $[u, v] \in E$, such that $t[u,v]+\overline{t[u,v]} > 0$. There is another proof of (14) in [2]. For $n \equiv 0 $ (mod 6) and $n \equiv 0 $ (mod 9) two extremal graphs (i.e. graphs for which the equality in (14) holds) are constructed. The following two consequences are deduced from (14): Corollary 1. If (20) $\sum_{v \in V} d^2(v) > ne$ then (21) $\hat{t} > \frac{n}{6}$ Corollary 2. If $t > 0$ and (22) $\sum_{v \in V} d^2(v) \geq ne$ then (23) $\hat{t} \geq \frac{n}{6}$ $\\ \S 2$ Lemma 1. The inequality (25) $e \hat{t} \geq \sum_{v \in V} d^2(v)-ne$ is true and the equality holds if $G$ is a complete r-partite graph and $G$ is regular in addition for $r \geq 3$ Lemma 2. The inequality (26) $\hat{t} \geq \frac{4e}{n}-n$ is true and the equality holds iff $G$ is a regular complete $r$-partite graph with $r \geq 2$. By applying Lemmas I and 2 the following Theorem is proved: Theorem 2. If (30) $e \geq \frac{r-1}{2r}n^2$ then (31) $\hat{t} \geq \frac{r-2}{r} n$ and the equality holds in (31) if $2 \leq r|n$ and $G$ is a regular complete $r$-partite graph. Lemma 4. If (32) $e \geq \Bigg[ \frac{n^2}{4} \Bigg]$ then (33) $\sum_{v \in V} d^2(v) \ geq ne$ and if (32) is strict, then (33) is strict also. From Corollary 1 and Lemma 4 we obtain: Corollary 3. If $e > \Bigg[ \frac{n^2}{4} \Bigg]$ then $\hat{t} > \frac{n}{6}$. This corollary is obtained in [2]. It gives a positive solution on the following Erdos' conjecture. If $e > \frac{n^2}{4}$,then $\hat{t} \geq \frac{n}{6}$. Closely connected with Corollary 3 is the following assertion, proved in [2], which is immediately deduced from Corollary 2 and Lemma 4. Corollary 4. If $e \geq \Bigg[ \frac{n^2}{4} \Bigg]$ and $t > 0$,then $\hat{t} \geq \frac{n}{6}$ Put $\hat{t}(n)=min\Bigg\{ \hat{t}(G)|e(G) \geq \Bigg[\frac{n^2}{4} \Bigg], t(G) > 0 |\Bigg\}$ The conclusion in Corollary 4 cannot be improved under the assumption of this corollary, since from it and by using appropriate examples we obtain: Corollary 5. For each $n (n \geq 4)$ we have (35) $\hat{t}(n) = \Bigg] \frac{n}{6} \Bigg[$ Note. $]x[=min\{k|k \in N, k \geq x\}$ ¶3. From Theorem 1 we obtain: Theorem 3. If $\hat{t} \geq \frac{n}{6}$,then (38) $\hat{t} \geq \frac{1}{2e} \sum_{v \in V} d^2(v)-\frac{n}{3}$ From Corollary 2 and Theorem 3 we obtain: Corollary 6. If $\sum_{v \in V} d^2(v) \ geq ne$ and $t > 0$, then (38) holds. vEV From Corollary 4 and Corollar 6 we obtain: Corallary7. If $e \geq \Bigg[ \frac{n^2}{4}\Bigg]$ and $t > 0$, then (38) holds. Corollary 7 confirms an Edwards' conjecture, given in added note of [3]. Since Corollary 7 is easily deduced from Theorem 3, we can say that the Edwards' conjecture is a consequence of Erdos' one. The contrary is also true since if the assumptions of Corollary 7 are satisfied, then by Lemma 4 we have $\sum_{v \in V} d^2(v) \geq ne$ (38) implies $\hat{t} \geq \frac{n}{6}$ Finally, the Erdos' and Edwards' conjectures are equivalent. In $\\ \S 3$ a detailed analysis of Edwards' paper [3] is done also. It is shown that the essential assertions in this paper are trivial consequences of the inclusion-exclusion principle for two or three sets and have nothing to do with the solution of Erdos' conjecture.Downloads
How to Cite
Khadziivanov, N. (1991). ON THE MAXIMAL NUMBER OF TRIANGLES WITH A COMMON EDGE. Ann. Sofia Univ. Fac. Math. And Inf., 82(1), 37–49. Retrieved from https://admin.uni-sofia.bg/index.php/fmi/article/view/521